lørdag den 13. juni 2015

First try at long exposure. \o/

My alarm went of at 03:30 this morning..... Yeah. Not my brightest idea yet. But the sun rises at 04:31 this morning so i had to get up early. I had decided that if it was cloudy i wouldn't go, but there was almost no clouds, so of i went.

When i got down to the beach and looked over the sea, i didn't regret it for a second! It was just soooo beautiful and calm. No wind and it wasn't even cold.

I have been reading a bit about long exposures but i decided to just use trial and error to test it today. I guess i could have done some more research, but i like to just try things out and learn from that. It was an easy set up. so it didn't take long before i could start shooting a few pics.

And yes i made mistakes, and yes only a few of the shots were okay, but as i said. This was for testing. ;) I am happy with the result i got from this and i might actually go out again tomorrow morning if the weather is nice. Just to try it again!

These are a few of those shots that turned out okay. Enjoy!! (^^,)

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