lørdag den 13. juni 2015

First try at long exposure. \o/

My alarm went of at 03:30 this morning..... Yeah. Not my brightest idea yet. But the sun rises at 04:31 this morning so i had to get up early. I had decided that if it was cloudy i wouldn't go, but there was almost no clouds, so of i went.

When i got down to the beach and looked over the sea, i didn't regret it for a second! It was just soooo beautiful and calm. No wind and it wasn't even cold.

I have been reading a bit about long exposures but i decided to just use trial and error to test it today. I guess i could have done some more research, but i like to just try things out and learn from that. It was an easy set up. so it didn't take long before i could start shooting a few pics.

And yes i made mistakes, and yes only a few of the shots were okay, but as i said. This was for testing. ;) I am happy with the result i got from this and i might actually go out again tomorrow morning if the weather is nice. Just to try it again!

These are a few of those shots that turned out okay. Enjoy!! (^^,)

onsdag den 10. juni 2015

My first ND filter.... And it's not a Hoya!

It's probably not a big deal to many, but I'm kinda excited to try this out. Been looking at a lot of pictures where they had used an ND (neutral density) and some of the were just beautiful. I know i won't be able to do that right away, but it will be fun to learn and try it out.

I decided to go for a bit cheaper filter to start with. First of all i never played with them and second the lens i bought this for, isn't the best. I hope i can replace it soon and the one I have in mind uses 82 mm filters. it would be stupid to spend to much on a filter i might not use that much. I can either sell the old filter or just keep it since it didn't cost too much.

And that is why i went with a Haida Variable ND Filter. It's pretty cheap. It's variable and i can learn to use it with out to much damage to my wallet! ;) Hope i can find some time this weekend to try it out. But Le Mans i on and i have to watch that! :P

Hopefully i can post some pictures this weekend after using this. Too bad there isn't any waterfalls where i live...

mandag den 8. juni 2015

More Sculptures.

More pictures from Sculptures At The Sea in Aarhus.

It's so much fun to walk the route looking at all these sculptures. There's about 55 stretched over a few miles of beach and in the forest close by. There is something for everyone. I really didn't like all of them, but a few i really liked. There was one where all they did was to burn some vegetation and that was that. Why burn down a perfectly good tree? O.o It's art i guess.

I'll have to go back and get some more and better pictures of a few of the sculptures i really like. I'll post those later!

Enjoy! :)

søndag den 7. juni 2015

My first post! \o/

I've been planning on this for some time now. Always wanted a blog, but never really knew what to put in it. Since i started to learn photography now i know! ;)

This is just pictures of what i see when i walk around, nothing more, nothing less. Hope you enjoy! :)

These picture was take at Sculptures By the sea 2015.