onsdag den 30. september 2015

lørdag den 26. september 2015

Tis the season.... For mushrooms. :P

Mushroom season is here and the weather is warm-ish and wet. Perfekt for mushrooms. So expect to see many more of these pics in the near future! ;)

I'll just spam you with these and i'll post some more later.

Have fun and enjoy! (^^,)

fredag den 25. september 2015

My first timelaps video. And it sucks! :P

So today i finnaly moved my bum and got to the ocean early and i took my phone and small tripod with me so i could make a timelaps with that while i took pictures with my camera.

It didn't go to well. I had the tripod and phone on a small bench and not one... not two... But three f'ing times people walked right in front of it even if i asked them not to! :(

But i got a small video from the trip and a few good pics. So it was okay. I'll go back another day and put the phone on my pig tripod.

Have a great weekend and enjoy!! (^^,)

søndag den 20. september 2015

Another morning walk.

It's Sunday and the weather is pretty good at the moment. It's cold in the mornings, but as soon as the sun is up it gets warmer. The air is also really clear and fresh. It makes for some pretty good pictures.

Got a lot of good shots today, but most will be made into panorama's. All were taken today and is a great mix of stuff! ;)

It's Sunday evening here and it's movie time for me. Take care and enjoy! :)

fredag den 18. september 2015

Seeing something new.

I was lucky enough to get off work an hour earlier than normal today, so i decided to go visit a church i have known all my life.

I have lived right next to this church (Sct Lucas Kirke) all my life, but for some reason i have been inside. My Granny had a lot to do with the church when she was younger, but that was before my time. I have walked by it soooo many times and heard the bells chime (a lot) so today was the day. I came home and grabbed my gear and headed to church.

I asked if i could use my tripod and if there was any chance i could get up in the tower. I got a yes to both so off i went. The church was beautiful but so was the view. It was cool seeing where i grew up from up high.

The toy rat was at the top of the tower. Placed so you can't see it until you are right next to. Good phun! :P

Enjoy these pics and have a great day! :D

onsdag den 16. september 2015

More evening shots.

I got a few good shots last night. I took a long walk and tried to find some good places to shoot long exposure shoots. I found a few and will go back later when i have more time and there's not so much wind. (really need to bring a bag i can put something heavy in so i can get my tripod to stay even more still)

These photos are edited versions. I might have shown one non edit last night. I was tired and didn't really care! :P

As always. Take care and enjoy

tirsdag den 15. september 2015

Night time photos

Finally got around to do a few evening/nighttime shots. Been putting it off since it's just starting to get darker at night here.

I'll get out more when its not so windy, but these will have to do for now.

And now i haz tired. I'll go to sleep. See ya and enjoy! :)

søndag den 6. september 2015

Flowers.... Just flowers!

I am lucky to live in a city where there are a lot of small parks and a lot of forest close by. There's also a castle with an open garden, That means there's a lot of flowers growing everywhere. For some strange reason i never post enough pictures of them

This post is only flowers. I thought it would be a good ides to put them in one post. I have no idea what they are called, I just think they look pretty. And they are pretty hard to get right because of the wind. And since i live close to the sea, there's always wind. Lol

Hope you enjoy these! :)

Click on the pictures for lager view.