fredag den 31. juli 2015

How much do you edit...?

All images are edited in some way or the other. Either when you just import them from your camera or and photo editing software.

Some say that they never edit their pictures, but that is BS. I always go through them in one way or the other.

I'm not gonna go through what i do. Just want to show the difference between a non-edit, and a finaly edit. (not all go through this much edit)

Enjoy! :)

Non edit.


onsdag den 29. juli 2015

Finding the right spot.

Finding a great location to shoot, can be difficult sometimes. Well often here anyway... :P But we sometomes come across a specil little place.

I found one such place not to long ago and i have been there a few times already. I love it there as there is not many places like it around. Most abandoned places get demolished or reused. Not many are left standing, open for everyone to enter.

I found an old warehouse and i know a others must have used it as a photo location before me. Hell, someone even uses it as a kitchen. (I shit you not).

Shooting there made me wish for a true wide angle lens, and that will be the next upgrade to my lens collection. But for now you will have to settle for theses shot with a 24-105. I hope i can get the Tokina 11-20 at some point.

Enjoy! (^^,)


tirsdag den 28. juli 2015

Doing things twise.... Just because!

Well fuck... How could i make that mistake?

Here's the thing i messed up-

On Canon lenses the image stabilization (IS) aromatically detects if it's on a tripod and turns it self of, to give a cleaner image. On my new Sigma lens it doesn't..... So last time i took some long expurser pictures every single one of them was not sharp. And i didn't see that until i was home looking at them on the pc. I cursed at my self.

So today i had the time to go and reshoot the pictures and this time the turned out sharp. \o/ yay

Glad to have made that mistake for the last time..... (i hope) ;) Off to process.

onsdag den 22. juli 2015

The Old Town....

I Aarhus there's a museum called "Den Gamle By" (The Old Town) Where they have collected a lot of old buildings from the 1500th hundred and up. It's such an amazing place to just walk around in. You can see old carpenter- candle- hat- and other workshops and buildings.

You can read more here: LINK

I was just there for the new exhibition where they show a lot of apartments from the 70's. It was fun as i can remember a few things from that time. My grandparents would have loved it too.

Enojy! :)

lørdag den 18. juli 2015

The shit house.... ;)

In the old days this building was used to transport the poop collected throughout the city., It was then lead out into the bay 15 m from the building. It can't have been a fun job to have, but someone had to do it.

They of course stopped using it for that, but the building remains and i think it's awesome they keep it there. It's part of our history and a city as old as Aarhus needs to prsever these small uildings at their place as long as they can!

fredag den 17. juli 2015

Lens test 2

This baby is sharp. Coming from the kit lens, it's unbelievable to me how sharp this is. There are so many details in the first shot.

Pic 1:

Pic 2:

Off to test some more. I really love shooting with this lens! :D

torsdag den 16. juli 2015

Lens test 1

I was out testing my new lens a bit more yesterday. Mainly to see how it works in lower light. It is an F4 lens after all and my camera is an Canon 70D. So low light is not the best option to work with.

BUT. the OS (optical stabilization) is really good in this lens. I can handhold it to about 0.4 sec and that's a big step up for me. I got a powerful (not fast) pulse so it's a plus for me. So far so good. Off to test some more. ;)

onsdag den 15. juli 2015

New lens. \o/

So i finally got around to get a proper lens for my camera. I have been using the kit lens that came with my camera (18-135) and it has done an okay job. but it was time to move on. I looked at the interwebs for what to get next and my love fell on a Sigma 24-105 F4 and oh my it's a good one! It's part of Sigma's Art series and it shows!! I'll get some more pics and show then here soon! ;)